Enjoyed doing a slideshow this morning on "Life and Work in Uganda" for the Probus group meeting at the Castle of Brecon Hotel. Dad used to love going to this.They seemed to find it inspiring and have generously through the paper bead jewellery the Ugandan children had made. All the money raised goes back to the actual schools where the children made them. This will be used to help pay their teachers' salaries, etc.
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Goodbye Liz. See you again one day.

The cyclamen spreading out from the huge sequoia in the cathedral grounds seemed to portray this vital new life.
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Rugby Chaplain
FCN at Usk Show
Fun with The Good Shepherd
Prayer around Brecon Schools

Stall at Llyswen Show
New Wine helps Syrian Refugees
Our week at New Wine
God was speaking right into our situations and empowering and equipping us to move forward in His Presence and love. He is always spot on!
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Big event at Powis Castle
It has been good to be involved with helping organise a big event in a marquee at Powis Castle for farmers, their families and all those interested in the situation farmers are facing nowadays. Over the last few months Christianne Glossop, Chief Vet for Wales, and a group of Christian farmers from mid Wales have been meeting at our house to discuss and finalize details for this exciting event.
A Berkshire farmer, NIGEL BUTLER, will be the speaker. He is a good friend of Angus Buchan who drew an enormous crowd of around 800 to anothet farming event we were involved with organising in Trecastle a couple of years ago. Nigel is also a popular and sort after speaker.
There will be games organised for the children.
Please pray for the event and let those who you think would be interested know about it.
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Learning to hear God speaking in many different ways
Yesterday I Ied the last of the sessions on hearing God with the group in Hay. It has been such an encouragement to see how much God has blessed them through this over these last few weeks. He graciously spoke to each of them through the items they chose off the table; through "going for a walk with Him" in their minds' eye; through Bible verses; and finally in groups of 3 as they put into practice what they'd learnt by hearing God's words for each other. The latter particularly surprised and encouraged them as they found out how accurate these words were... when they thought they couldn't do it!
I'm praying He will continue to grow them in these new abilities to hear Him over the summer holidays and that they will grow in confidence enough to be blessing in this way to those who do not yet know how much Jesus loves everyone.
Friend so blessed when she opened door of her heart to Jesus.
It was such a privilege earlier this week for me and a good friend of mine to be present when our mutual friend opened the door of her heart wide to welcome Jesus. He poured His peace into her mind and soul. Such joy ☺.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Two-way journaling with Jesus... With life changing results!
Last week I shared with the same Bible Study group in Hay about how life changing Ifor and I have found two-way journaling with Jesus to be since we started doing this two months ago. They had a go at the first exercise where we all quieted ourselves, focused on Jesus and wrote a love letter to Jesus. Then we continued, whilst tuned to the flow of the Holy Spirit, to write what He was saying in response. Many were quite taken aback and greatly encouraged as Jesus responded with His personal words of acceptance and love for us as individuals.
Today was my weekly Bible Fun group for the mums and young children in our immediate locality. One of the mums who started doing this two-way journaling a fortnight ago told me how much it has changed her life already. She loves hearing Jesus speak to her so readily and feels so uplifted by Him.
Wedding above Hay on Wye
It was good to share in our Godson's wedding celebrations recently. What a stunning location overlooking Hay for the wedding marquee after the service!
Quote from Job
"God speaks again and again, though people don't recognize it. He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed. He whispers in their ear." Job 33:14,15.
Christian Dream Interpretation
Since my post on 10th May God has given me much revelation and counsel through dreams which I have found really encouraging. Last month I was asked to lead a bible study on this with a group in Hay on Wye. Together we looked at lots of Bible references and I simply shared what I have learnt so far. I encouraged them to have a go and keep pen and paper by their bed. A fortnight later on my return a number of them shared their dreams and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we were able to interpret their meaning together. This was an encouragement to everyone as He spoke through them.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Wedding back in Broad Haven, Pembs.

Queen's 90th Birthday celebrations
To celebrate our queen's 90th birthday we bought lots of copies of The Servant Queen and the King She Serves and distributed them to people in Glasbury and surrounding villages on behalf of Glasbury Baptist Church. They were generally well received and hopefully will be read. One person said " I wonder what her secret is". I told her " I think she gives that away inside." She was intrigued!

It was fun to go back to Llanfrynach where I lived before we married to join with others in the service written by the Queen herself I believe. We were all invited to wear hats and dress up for the occasion which added to the fun. Floral arrangements adorning each window, the font, etc. were created by local individuals. Tasty cakes were provided in the marquee where we could enjoy a cuppa and chat.
The figures were knitted by a friend of mine in the village.
The hat was covered in myriads of hydrangea petals.

Book launch at Hay Festival
Click here to see the book review on Amazon.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Spring 2016 and introducing new Facebook Page

For instance, coming out of a shop one evening I found it sleeting, dark and miserable and looked forward to being at home by the fire. However I felt a strong prompt to call at a friend's house first, where I was surprised to find her friend opening the door. The two were having a traumatic "Goodbye" before the visitor returned permanently to her parents' home abroad. The uncertainty of her future there didn't look much brighter than the disappointments and hurts she was leaving. My friend, herself quite a new Christian, told her she needed to trust her future to Jesus and wanted me to show her how. Her visitor was keen for this so I explained how Jesus wanted to give her a fresh start with all the yucky stuff washed clean away by His own blood on the cross, and how He wanted to guide her step by step into her future, such is His love for her. As I prayed, she felt His presence, love, peace and forgiveness flooded her and they were so glad I'd been 'blown in' at that moment. Thank you Holy Spirit.
Another time a friend asked us to come over to her house to pray with a local mother with secondary cancer. She invited several pray-ers and others who wanted to see her healed. So far she has not been healed,but experienced the touch of Jesus that evening as well as the love and support of those of us gathered around her.
It was great that Ifor was asked to dedicate the child of a couple he married since we came here. The mostly young congregation enjoyed hunting everywhere for the 'Lost Sheep' and then had fun celebrating when it was found! Many of them had "no idea a service could be such fun!" It will be even more fun when the prophecy we gave the child comes into being when she is older. A farming couple there asked for prayer which was a privilege.

The following Sunday the "Off the Bus" children's weekday group, which is going well, were invited to the leaders' chapel. When Ifor spoke about Jesus just appearing in a locked room after the resurrection, one little girl became very excited and shot up her hand. "I know, I know," she said excitedly, "He came down the chimney!" Follow that!
While on the children's theme, the Mums and Tots group that meet in our home each week have been having fun with various trips around the common and our house as they traveled to Bethlehem, Jerusalem, etc. On one occasion the children made camel hobby horses on which they rode around the common, making purchase from the gold shop, frankincense and myrrh shops which they found on the way... such a long way! They love dressing up and doing the story of the day, then making things like rag balls for Jesus and his childhood friends to kick around on the common on their travels to Jerusalem. Last week they enjoyed covering themselves in white sticky spots and ringing bells as they shouted "Unclean! Unclean!" (Leprosy)

middle of lambing and calving. The situation needed someone who could step in and take over the work full-time and immediately.Where do you find someone like that? The rugby club chairman has lots of contacts, and with his help we found a suitable person within 24 hours of placing the advert. Last week I went to the rugby club end of season dinner, and had a long chat with some neighbours

In January I was asked to become moderator at a local Baptist church, one of the few churches in the area that has been able to support their own minister. That minister retired last year, and I have been asked to chair their deacons and church meetings, and give them some support and guidance. A number of members are keen to move forward with God, and we are looking forward with confidence and hope.
Much of what we are doing at the moment is making contacts, ploughing the ground, and sowing seeds. At times it can seem very slow, but Penny and I see enough signs of God at work to be assured that we are where God wants us to be, and we look forward with hope and excitement. We ourselves are growing in God. He is giving us a greater ability to see what God is doing, and to hear what God is saying. God is good!"

Thank you for all your prayers for her. Thank you Jesus! The reflux is now being controlled by medication and she has been transferred to be under Chester Hospital for monitoring for this. She is doing really well, happy and chatty and loves performing her new party trick of rolling over... and admiringly watching her big brother.
We are now looking forward to the arrival of Emily's baby cousin in June who will be our fourth grandchild. Exciting times.
The way in which we will be reporting to you will now be changing. We have opened a new Facebook page called 'Prayer for Breconshire' where we will regularly be posting short updates. To receive these as they are posted, click "Like" for the page. These will allow more interaction. For those of you who do not have Facebook, we will copy these updates onto www.prayerforbreconshire.blogspot.co.uk so you will still be able to see them on this site. We suspect that short, up to date reports will be more useful and accessible to you than the roughly quarterly updates we have been doing until now.
We greatly value your prayers and support and look forward to reading your reactions on our new Facebook page.