Big apologies to our followers for not posting anything on here for ages. I had my gall bladder removed mid November and then deteriorated, losing a stone weight in the first three weeks .Ifor and others have been wonderful. Just before Christmas, at probably my weakest point, God challenged me from the Bible with "What are you going to believe? My Word in the Bible (esp. "By my stripes you are healed") or how things seem?" Well that challenge was a bit below the belt! But that was my turning point. Since then I have been slowly and steadily improving instead of going downhill. My appetite is back to normal, I've put on over half of that lost weight and have my energy back. So thank you for your prayers, all who knew. Going forward now!!
Many of you have been following events on our 'Prayer for Breconshire' Facebook page. However I know a number of you do not wish to do Facebook, so below I am recapping what has been happening so that those who are interested do not miss out. Thank you for your continued prayers, even when I have not been very good lately at updating you. In future I intend to keep both avenues updated.
October 2016
Erwood chapel hosted a well attended harvest supper for the community. Sue Wilson was the after dinner speaker. She spoke exceptionally well on her amazing life story as God strengthened her and spoke through her, having lost her husband less than a year ago. Their lives founding a hospital in a very isolated part of the Congo caught the imagination of her attentive listeners who spoke about Sue and what she said for days and even weeks afterwards.

In November I started a new series on Hearing God. The first session was on Hearing God through Creation. Each session went well and the Holy Spirit enabled those attending. Everyone seemed to go home greatly encouraged by God Himself.
The cliff near our home we took the children to see. |
My children's group in November really got the feel of when the mob tried to throw Jesus over the cliff outside Nazareth when they walked and looked up at our nearby one. They were amazed at how when they'd dragged Jesus to the cliff edge He simply turned around and walked back through the angry mob who just let Him go on His way!
I enjoyed doing a Uganda morning at the school near Newport where our son in law teaches. The children seemed to thoroughly enjoy it, had their eyes opened to life in Uganda and asked lots of good questions. I finished by showing them the Pot Dance where the dancers, whilst dancing, also carry a tower of up to 7 breakable pots on their heads! The children had a go with balancing books on their heads whilst trying African dancing! I think the stripes created by the tables and chairs looks like my Ugandan flag in the background.
Afterwards the school posted this on Twitter about the morning :…/status/794567258207125504
“Jambo! Year 5 had a visit from Penny about Ugandan life, homes, food and music. It was a fantastic workshop involving some African dancing!”|By Malpas CIW Juniors
Ifor was invited to speak to Probus about his life, including how he was called into the ministry, leading the chapel in Broad Haven and being called to our very different ministry in Breconshire. Probus is a group for retired professional businesmen. People seemed to enjoy his talk.
He then went on up to Rhayader for the Waleswide regional meeting. Amongst other things, Waleswide are offering a course to churches to encourage them to think outside the box, so to speak.

January and February,2017

We have just launched the Black Mountains Filling Station. There are about 80 spiritual Filling Stations in England and we are only the third in Wales. They are designed particularly for rural areas where people of all Christian denominations and none can come and be refreshed each month, usually in village halls and always midweek so as not to compete with nor confuse with churches. We start with tea, coffee and cakes around tables, café style and then go into a time of m
odern worship with a band, followed by a guest speaker. This is followed by a little more worship and opportunities for prayer for healing or whatever. We meet on the last Friday of each month at 7pm. Everyone is welcome.
We had a practice run in November to which 39 people came. They loved it so much that they brought along their friends to the official launch on 27th January, swelling the numbers to over 60. The guest speaker at this was Richard Fothergill, founder of The Filling Stations. One of the comments received afterwards was that "it felt like coming home"
It will be in Glasbury Village Hall every month, with the exception of February 24th when it will be at the Wesley Centre in Builth Wells.
Ifor is leading an Alpha course at Kensington Baptist Church, Brecon, where he is moderator. The small group of members are turning out some delicious meals to start the evenings and the numbers are growing each week. People are enjoying Ifor's after dinner talks and the group discussions following, giving them plenty of food for thought.

Numbers have been increasing steadily as new people come to try it out and usually end up wanting to come each week. The food is scrumptious and new people are offering to cook each week, such is the enthusiasm.
A few years ago I was asked to speak about our work as Rural Missioners in Breconshire at a united prayer breakfast for rural churches in Monmouthshire and South Herefordshire, just over the border from us. They were very interested to hear how we had been going about this, what was working and what was not, along with stories of what God was doing through us.
In the weeks after this, that prayer group started to consider looking into employing a rural missioner for Monmouths
...hire and South Herefordshire and soon started a steering group which interviewed a number of people. The Lord pointed them to Ian Purcell who was involved in starting the food banks in Cardiff.
Earlier this month we went to his induction in Pandy village hall. Nick Bradshaw, as Area Superintendent, inducted Ian as Rural Missioner for Mons and S. Hfds. Ifor gave the address, encouraging the large turnout to use what they have (Jesus), rather than looking at what they don't have, and move forward in being a blessing to those around them, spreading the Kingdom of God together.
It was so good to be involved in the culmination of what was sparked off in that United Prayer Breakfast.
Every blessing Ian. It's a good calling.
I am re-starting a series of training sessions to which you are invited, and/or anyone you think would be interested. Each one will stand on its own, but following through in order will give a better foundation.
The first series will be on" HOW TO HEAR GOD MORE EASILY" and will be held on Thursdays, at 10am and repeated at 7.30pm on the same day, to allow more people to be able to access them.
Later series will be on HEALING, SHARING YOUR FAITH, TREASURE HUNTING, and probably many others as the Holy Spirit leads. All will be suitable for complete beginners and those more experienced who may wish to brush up or discover new ways. It will be very practical.
Dates and topics for the first series will be as follows:
2nd Mar. 1. Hearing God through His creation.
9th Mar. 2. Hearing God for others
16th Mar. 3. Hearing God through two-way writing
23rd Mar. 4. Hearing God through dreams.
30th Mar. Available if session 3 needs two weeks, or if people want a repeat of a session they missed.
The sessions will be at our home. If you would like to come and don't know where that is, private message me but please don't post our address on here.
Thank you for your prayers.