
Monday, 5 June 2017

God Healing at Praise and Worship Evening in Brecon

The next Praise and Worship evening at Watergate, Baptist Church, Brecon, with live band 'Open Doors' will be on Sunday, 11th June at 5.30. 

The last one was great.  During the coffee afterwards I got to pray with three people for healing.  The first man had been involved in a car accident in 1992 and has had painful knees and extremely limited movement in his wrist ever since.  As we prayed, the pain left all sites and when he tried his wrist five minutes later, he found he had full movement in his wrist, easily putting it in positions he hasn't been able to for twenty years!  His knees too. These healings have remained.
Seeing that, two others asked for prayer and felt the Holy Spirit doing something:  one man found the pain left his hip and a woman felt strange sensation in her gall bladder as we prayed.  I haven't heard if the latter two healings stayed.  All good fun!

 This is the story of the man with the broken wrists:

"In 1992 my wrist was smashed in a car accident. They didn't try to fix my wrist when I was taken into the hospital as I had a fractured skull and was in a coma. So they just made my wrist more comfortable so I could die in less pain.

When I recovered, I learned to cope with limited wrist movement as being the new norm. Towards the end of last year the use of a walking stick caused a further impingement and this showed up in an x-ray in January. I was praying for it to go back to its limited movement as I didn't even think of full movement, being so used to it.

Now I am amazed every day when I see my hand in a position it couldn't be in."

The top photos in the white tee shirt show his attempts to position his hands previously to the now healed versions in the blue tee shirt.  JESUS STILL HEALS TODAY!

Training and Equipping

My "Hearing God" series of four went down really well in Abergavenny last month.  I have just completed a new series of four on "The Cross and How to Apply it" at our home which over a dozen seemed to enjoy and get a lot from, which was very encouraging.

My next series of four on the Holy Spirit will be starting on 14th June and will be as follows:

14th June    Discovering the Holy Spirit in the Bible and His relevance to our lives.

21st June    What does the Holy Spirit do?

28th June    How to be filled with and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

 5th  July     The Gifts of the Spirit and how to use them.

Kensington Chapel

After the very successful Alpha  Course Ifor led in Kensington Baptist Church in Brecon, the people asked to continue with something similar.  So using the same format, Ifor has been running Christianity Explored which is also proving popular.  This is held Tuesday evenings, 7 to 9pm, starting with a light supper.  If you are in the area, do call in and sample a session.  Each session is self contained and great fun.

Also do check out the chapel's Facebook page which is full of photos and current activities.


Ifor has been moderator at the chapel for over a year and will be their part time minister from September. 

Radio Broadcast

Ifor was asked to take part in the Radio Wales broadcast "All Things Considered" which went out on14th  and 19thMay.  It was a 30 minute programme which you can hear on . It was titled The Value of Money, where "Roy Jenkins and guests looked at how religious faith should affect  the acquisition and spending of money and especially how much of it is given away.  Roy Jenkins was joined by Rev Ifor Williams, a Baptist Minister in Breconshire, who has written 'Open Hands, Open Heart', a book on the Bible's teaching on giving, being published in June;  Canon Carol Wardman, advisor on church society issues to the bishops of the Church in Wales;  Rob Morgan, a Rhondda based money coach for the charity Christians Against Poverty; and Dr. Ahmad Jamal, a Senior Lecturer in marketing and strategy at Cardiff Business School."
It wasn't easy as the questions weren't given out beforehand so each had to answer immediately, with no time to think!  Sometimes Ifor gave a short answer, thinking that was what was expected, but others gave a long answer, which he could have done. However, all in all it seemed to come across well and we had some good responses.