
Friday, 21 December 2012

Olympic Sprint Through 2012

So much has been happening this year that we thought we might just give you a quick dash through our year, Olympic Sprint style!

In the winter evenings we started up the monthly cinema nights in our home where local friends and neighbours enjoy meeting together to watch films projected onto a big screen.

In the spring we enjoyed a wonderful fortnight in Cyprus, courtesy of Peter's parents, who have bought a holiday/retirement home in Kyrenia. We visited many of Penny's old haunts from the time when she lived there in the sixties, including both her old homes. Back in Breconshire we enjoyed the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations locally, as probably most of you did too.

In the summer Ifor was involved in setting up the Mid Wales region of New Wine Cymru and also regional prayer days around Wales with Waleswide. Our own monthly hill top prayer gatherings have continued and seem to be proving effective in opening up areas below. We have seen a number of people experience healing as we've prayed. One person who came to us with cancer of the kidneys felt very different as he left, and his oncologist is no longer going to operate nor give treatment and doesn't want to see him again for six months. All good fun! We hosted a training weekend for people interested in Simple Church and starting small groups who multiply. Also we were asked to speak to a group at Bristol Baptist College about what we are doing and trying to do in Breconshire.

On the family front, Kevin is still working and living in Pembrokeshire. Katie and Sam have returned from nearly a year in Australia and have settled in Chester. Lucy is still working in Norway and has moved to a new house. Mary has just moved to a new house in St. Davids this week. Becky and Pete have moved to a new house in Cardiff. We haven't moved house but we do have a new puppy called Sandy who is now six months old and good company for Rosie and more fun for us! Penny's dad celebrated his 91st with a barbecue and a great excuse for a family get together. Ifor's auntie and uncle celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary where we enjoyed another big family get-together. Our niece Emma married Richard which provided yet another opportunity for the family to get together. All wonderful!

Moving into Autumn, Penny has organised two successful counity events – a “Paralympic Party” in Llyswen and “A Day to Remember” in Erwood. The invitations continue to come in for talks and slideshows on Uganda and Kenya, progessing to include whole mornings in four schools. Ifor has become the minister of Glasbury Baptist Church. The chapel has been sold, but the people are meeting regularly in homes and quietly growing both spiritually and numerically. He has been invited to lead carols in one of the Glasbury pubs just before Christmas, as we did for many years in Broad Haven. Penny is busy making Nativity clothes for this and other Christmas events, while Ifor has started doing some relief milking on a local Glasbury farm.

If you prefer to take the alternative, picturesque route where you will see far more, simply Google “ ” where you will find lots of photos too!

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas, a wonderful 2013, and lots of love from Ifor and Penny.

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